Monday, February 7, 2011

I USED to like this piece

I appreciate constructive criticism, really I do. But I've learned something: if I am HAPPY with a piece and then someone offers a piece of constructive criticism, I don't need to take the suggestions and immediately "fix" it. The original version of this painting was one with which I was really happy. The lady's face had a great feel to it. But then, someone offered some constructive criticism. The eyes weren't really lined up correctly and so on. So, I tried to fix it. The more I tried to fix it, the worse it got. She totally lost the feel she had and now I really dislike the piece. And she still isn't really right from a classical art perspective, but now I'm so frustrated that I ruined a piece that originally made me happy that I don't want to work on it any more. The point is, I liked it the way it was originally, even if it wasn't classically correct. I should have left it alone. That's not to say that I don't want constructive criticism and helpful suggestions. It just means that I need to decide how to sift through them and when to use them.

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